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艺术品 >> Scott Andrew Spencer >> 两美元

艺术品 >> Scott Andrew Spencer >> 两美元

Scott Andrew Spencer
混合媒体 - 15 Cm x 6 Cm
这部作品在洛杉矶市中心的酿酒艺术综合体的i-5美术馆"2美元钞票"展出. 贬损政府财产很有趣 它写道:"我不知道什么更糟糕. 这件事情或其中两个萨卡加威斯。" 它有点像马塞尔·杜尚平 简洁。 实际尺寸为2 5\8 x 6 1\8. 混合媒体:正版2元钞票上出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出入出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出 这将是一种投资质量的艺术品采购,因为它的内置转售价值至少为2美元。

305 €

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在Scott Andrew Spencer'留言上留言
Très Très beau, votre palette de couleur ainsi que votre travail sont superbes. WOW encore. C'est différent des autres artistes, vraiment vous êtes talentueux.
(Marie-France Roy, 18 July 2007)
ArtsCad Art Critic
Spencer currently resides in Los Angeles. He began painting full-time after a brush with cancer in 1999. He paints on the second-story of his condominium while listening to music, drawing inspiration from everything around him, real and imaginary. He paints all day, and even into the early hours of night. He was admitted into the Pasadena Society o.../...
(ArtsCad Art Critic, 24 February 2006)
congratulacioni questi dizenji sono meravigliozi.mandami qualke foto dei tuoi dizegni
(juli, 18 January 2006)
Hello Scott. Sumptuous paintings. And so many . . . too. So much to look at. Thank you. ...
Hello Scott. Sumptuous paintings. And so many . . . too. So much to look at. Thank you. Best-- Mark
([From Guestbook], 1 September 2005)
Très Très beau, votre palette de couleur ainsi que votre travail sont superbes. WOW encore. C'est différent des autres artistes, vraiment vous êtes talentueux.
(Marie-France Roy, 18 July 2007)
ArtsCad Art Critic
Spencer currently resides in Los Angeles. He began painting full-time after a brush with cancer in 1999. He paints on the second-story of his condominium while listening to music, drawing inspiration from everything around him, real and imaginary. He paints all day, and even into the early hours of night. He was admitted into the Pasadena Society o.../...
(ArtsCad Art Critic, 24 February 2006)
congratulacioni questi dizenji sono meravigliozi.mandami qualke foto dei tuoi dizegni
(juli, 18 January 2006)
Hello Scott. Sumptuous paintings. And so many . . . too. So much to look at. Thank you. ...
Hello Scott. Sumptuous paintings. And so many . . . too. So much to look at. Thank you. Best-- Mark
([From Guestbook], 1 September 2005)