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艺术品 >> Kristin Abraham >> 自由。

艺术品 >> Kristin Abraham >> 自由。

Kristin Abraham
Acrylic On Canvas 。 - 61 Cm x 76 Cm
在整个蒙塔纳,历史上争斗的记忆在土地内。 一位印度传票称,在太阳和月球之间的战斗中,建立了名为格拉茨耶国家公园的地区。 作为月球,老母亲cha了太阳、老父,岩石被thrown,景观形成如下。 • 1886年7月,Meriwether Lewis从他和Clarke人乘以西的旅程中返回。 正是在蒙塔纳,刘易斯党遇到了导致美国原住民流血的唯一分歧。 由于年轻的黑人印第安人试图从睡觉的一方偷走马和弹药,Lewis awoke和两名黑人男孩被杀。 这种激烈的冲突导致许多人认为,印度人不会以和平的方式适应白人。
蒙塔纳的绘画的所有权与所展示的活动相比具有讽刺意味。 Little Bighorn的战斗(1876年)象征着美国原住民打败Custer和7th Calvary,以维护他们的生活方式。 这一胜利是短寿命的,因为它会激起美国政府的激烈反应,导致美国原住民自由游牧生活的结束。 • 1876年夏天,由Lt.上校领导的美国第7届Calvary
乔治·库斯特和马库斯·雷诺少校被派到Sioux和Cheyenne部落撤回其保留。 随着第7辆Calvary与印度男子、妇女和儿童村接触,由Sioux Warriors、Cranzy horse和Sitting Bull领导的印度部队意识到即将出现的威胁。 当两支部队串通时,结果是一场血腥战斗,造成268名美国人伤亡,包括Custer上校。 据黄玉米、红马和小By Elk、200 Lakota、Cheyenne和
Illustrated, Old Women chases Old Man while Crazy Mann and Sitting Bull is in glorious power on the bluff. 库斯特的帽子在地下被击落。 入侵美国强加给印度家园仍然是今天的冲突。 在某个时候,一位白人男子询问了克拉齐马,”你们的土地现在在哪里?” zy 马 Horse回答说,“Mylands是我死 lie的地方”。
Sioux Imperial Arts Council, Sioux Sultan, South Dakota
View and Fab “Freedom” at Siouxerial "The Barn

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still following your work
Hello Kristin, I still pop in to check your work and its still amazing! Can't wait to see more. Looks like the Nomadic Project is going great. Christina Wilson
(Christina Wilson, 31 October 2006)
job well going
Wow! First of all I checked out your website months ago when I found out about your studio. I was really impressed by the work you've done. I have known for sometime the level of your talent and had expected to be impressed, but what truley amazes me is your zest and definate love for it. It is the greatest motivation possible, and ensures t.../...
(your cousin Matt Story, 17 January 2006)
still following your work
Hello Kristin, I still pop in to check your work and its still amazing! Can't wait to see more. Looks like the Nomadic Project is going great. Christina Wilson
(Christina Wilson, 31 October 2006)
job well going
Wow! First of all I checked out your website months ago when I found out about your studio. I was really impressed by the work you've done. I have known for sometime the level of your talent and had expected to be impressed, but what truley amazes me is your zest and definate love for it. It is the greatest motivation possible, and ensures t.../...
(your cousin Matt Story, 17 January 2006)


艺术品 媒体 : Acrylic 。 - Water。 - 丙烯酸lic - 丙烯类