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艺术品 >> Kristin Abraham >> 被窃时间

艺术品 >> Kristin Abraham >> 被窃时间

Kristin Abraham
丙烯类 - 76 Cm x 61 Cm
30 x 24"
劳伦斯生命画廊的标志, KS
在名为"被窃时间"的作品中, 小时镜具有双重象征意义. 在科罗拉多,阿方索和我 参观了大沙丘国家公园和保护区。 在那里,我学会了沙丘, 发光像沙丁鱼 在被雪覆盖的山底, 是北美洲最高的沙丘。 科罗拉多州是一些高山的故乡 但沙丘? 那个星期一是花去的,爬到一个650英尺高的沙丘上。 空气凉爽,但被沙子烧光了脚. 一旦登上顶峰,这个自然奇观的整体规模就很明显了.
出自大沙丘的沙地自然被回收利用,研究者认为每年很少到没有新的沙地被带入沙丘. 部分原因出自周边山地径流水中的一股稀有水流. 被称为“涌出之流”的世界只有两地, 出于这个原因,沙丘被刻出在"小时玻璃"中. 沙子被抑制和再利用,但总是在变化
我们在丹佛逗留的时间比其他城市都长,我在那里完成了两幅画作(乌塔和科罗拉多). 这使得时间成为科罗拉多州的一个特殊因素. 另外,向东,似乎时间被偷, 交叉来自不同的时区。 手机会自动变换,在我们知道之前 一个小时过去了。 在向西返回时,这些时间会得到回报,但只能被再次带走。 外出有小偷,但唯一发现的就是皮克活虫
黑色活虫或皮克活虫是独特多彩的鸟类. 它们强烈的对比似乎它们的羽毛尖被浸入了白色的漆中. 丰富的身体闪烁出蓝色的反射, 快速地飞过。 尽管这些西方鸟类的美观,但它们在神话中通常都是恶兆的象征. 他们被称作"盗贼",掠夺歌鸟的巢穴,取出鸡蛋和雏鸟. 而且,一个流行的押韵 谈到他们的大叫: 一个是悲伤,两个是米尔斯,三个是婚礼,四个是生,五个是天堂,六个是地狱,七个是魔鬼自己的灵魂. 或者另一个版本 : 一为忧愁相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相相取相取相相取相取相取相取相取相相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相取相 他们认为科罗拉多就是洛基山脉 我现在想,科罗拉多 = 岩浆和沙丘。 哦,还有艾克! 但不要接受我的看法。

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在Kristin Abraham'留言上留言
still following your work
Hello Kristin, I still pop in to check your work and its still amazing! Can't wait to see more. Looks like the Nomadic Project is going great. Christina Wilson
(Christina Wilson, 31 October 2006)
job well going
Wow! First of all I checked out your website months ago when I found out about your studio. I was really impressed by the work you've done. I have known for sometime the level of your talent and had expected to be impressed, but what truley amazes me is your zest and definate love for it. It is the greatest motivation possible, and ensures t.../...
(your cousin Matt Story, 17 January 2006)
still following your work
Hello Kristin, I still pop in to check your work and its still amazing! Can't wait to see more. Looks like the Nomadic Project is going great. Christina Wilson
(Christina Wilson, 31 October 2006)
job well going
Wow! First of all I checked out your website months ago when I found out about your studio. I was really impressed by the work you've done. I have known for sometime the level of your talent and had expected to be impressed, but what truley amazes me is your zest and definate love for it. It is the greatest motivation possible, and ensures t.../...
(your cousin Matt Story, 17 January 2006)


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