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艺术品 >> Kristin Abraham >> 喜来 (他,乔克陶为"丹克")

艺术品 >> Kristin Abraham >> 喜来 (他,乔克陶为

"喜来 (他,乔克陶为"丹克")"
Kristin Abraham
Can - 76 Cm x 61 Cm
Hihla, 发音为他 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 我们沿着密西西比州的Natchez Trace航行 在曾经由Choctaw和Chickasaw印第安人部落拥有的土地上航行 沿路一带,有标记来解释这道出行频繁的路径的历史. Trace最初是19世纪的一条航道,河道船夫从新奥尔良出行后向北返回. 它穿过Choctaw和Chickasaw土地,成为从东到西南老去的唯一直接"穿过旷野的道路". 乔克陶斯人适应了耕作,一些人在白人休息时设置了"站".
画作"希拉"(Hihla),最初由小道上的一个标记所启发,该标记解释了一个女巫舞蹈的传说. 老人们说,女巫们曾经聚集在那里跳舞,无论他们的脚在哪里触地而去,草枯而死,再也不会长出. 在1820年10月20日的Doaks条约中, Choctaws不情愿地把三分之一的土地给了美国。 十年后,即1830年9月27日,乔克托克人被迫放弃了所有土地,为整个纳特切兹地道一带的白人定居点腾出了空间. 酋长Ofahoma或"红狗",签署"舞兔溪条约",根据该条约,部落同意离开这一地区并移居俄克拉荷马
在授权这幅画时,我想确保正确的翻译得到使用。 由于不同地区的印第安人部落有独立的方言,所以使用乔克陶语很重要. 在寻找翻译时,我得知俄克拉荷马州的乔克托斯正想让马斯科琴语活下来. 我最后打电话给俄克拉荷马州的乔克托夫民族语言系,并与柯蒂斯·比利交谈,后者略微分享了语言. 他教我,他们的字母表没有字母"o",舞蹈者也可以被写作hiĺa,被称作"L". 为了让这个词过去紧张,他们把"tuk"(发音为toke)一词放在动词后. 这会让舞蹈,hehlatuk。
这幅画的创作是为了纪念一个部落在变化的时代里挣扎着生存. 舞者脚下的土地不仅仅代表了地球,而是一种生活方式. 虽然剩下的只是从这时起的故事,但我们没有人能真正理解乔克陶斯人和所有印第安部落在被流下眼泪后所面临的困难。 希望今天的舞者们明白 我们从来没有真正拥有过土地, 但土地将永远拥有我们。

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在Kristin Abraham'留言上留言
still following your work
Hello Kristin, I still pop in to check your work and its still amazing! Can't wait to see more. Looks like the Nomadic Project is going great. Christina Wilson
(Christina Wilson, 31 October 2006)
job well going
Wow! First of all I checked out your website months ago when I found out about your studio. I was really impressed by the work you've done. I have known for sometime the level of your talent and had expected to be impressed, but what truley amazes me is your zest and definate love for it. It is the greatest motivation possible, and ensures t.../...
(your cousin Matt Story, 17 January 2006)
still following your work
Hello Kristin, I still pop in to check your work and its still amazing! Can't wait to see more. Looks like the Nomadic Project is going great. Christina Wilson
(Christina Wilson, 31 October 2006)
job well going
Wow! First of all I checked out your website months ago when I found out about your studio. I was really impressed by the work you've done. I have known for sometime the level of your talent and had expected to be impressed, but what truley amazes me is your zest and definate love for it. It is the greatest motivation possible, and ensures t.../...
(your cousin Matt Story, 17 January 2006)


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