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Portfolio Valery Rybakow

Portfolio Valery Rybakow

"瓦列裡· 雷巴科夫出生於1980年在白俄羅斯。 2002年,他從白俄羅斯國立技術大學畢業的工程師,技術人員。 自2001年以來,他曾作為一個藝術家,設計師在城市電視“國際展覽中心”,在那裡他一直的發展,電視節目的設計。 作為一個藝術家,成為一個獨立的研究過去的幾個世紀畫家的創意遺產的重要作用,形成Rybakova。 自2006年起,,雷巴科夫開始展示他們的作品在國際展覽的畫作在虛擬模式下,讓世界各地的收藏家與藝術家熟悉。 為了這一天,他的作品在俄羅斯,烏克蘭,美國,法國,德國,葡萄牙,意大利,日本,新加坡,澳大利亞,文萊Darusalamy和其他國家的私人收藏。 除了表瓦列裡· 雷巴科夫從事美術攝影和設計。 2010年,他參加了在國際競爭中的美術“價格是藝術” 自20"

Valery Rybakow
Valery Rybakow
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Added October 29 2013
Added October 22 2013
Added October 18 2013
Added May 3 2013
Added April 20 2013
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Added January 4 2011
Added December 7 2010
Added November 23 2010
Added September 28 2010
Added September 1 2010
Added June 20 2010
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地表油画: 白俄罗斯领域

油画: 风吹出海浪出海.


新花地油画: 向日葵:http://www.rybakow.com/ slips/ 原创_作画_孙花_取油-作画.htm

我的新油画:"花之花" http://www.rybakow.com/ slips/lush_bouquet_of_flowers_painting.htm 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆.

花被画"温柔". 油画. 画调色板刀. 艺术家瓦列里·雷巴克. http://www.rybakow.com/slips/flowers_painting_tenderness_325.htm 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-12-2.

冬季地貌画 -- -- 冬季森林的破风 -- -- 冬季调色板刀画


由瓦列里·雷巴克(英语:Valery Rybakow)出品的"冬季地貌绘画","冬季地貌绘画"出品销售的"冬季地貌绘画","冬季地貌美术".


作画:欢快花卉 108.作画花.

夜城地貌-走过夜城-调色板刀画 -Rybakow.com - 艺术家瓦列里·Rybakow.




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2010年,他參加了在四月下旬在莫斯科舉行拍賣的畫作 - 五月初的3月29日的恐怖襲擊事件的受害者。下面是他說的同事,彼得Tsvetkov莫斯科藝術家瓦列裡,祝賀你的作品在拍賣會上出售!第一 - 這是一個真正的慈善,你的手,其次激勵的創造力,你的工作是必要的,所以還是公開拍賣,祖拉布·採列捷利與弗拉基米爾Stozharovym的,亞倫Buhom。為你高興!
此外,在個人捐贈的市長的波蘭城市奧爾什丁 - 瓦列裡·雷巴科夫Jaceka PROTASA的要求,他的原畫之一。
瓦列裡·雷巴科夫 - 一個輝煌的,原始的藝術家,他們的工作是根據不同風格的藝術家和藝術的筆觸相結合的現實主義的藝術,他的作品的顏色,打開五彩傳輸的生活和生命的喜悅印象派的特性,直接感知的世界 - 天真的藝術。




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[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 8Ko]

  - Valery Rybakov est né en 1980 en Biélorussie. En 2002, il est diplômé de l'Université technique nationale du Bélarus en tant que technologue ingénieur. Depuis 2001, il a travaillé comme un artiste-designer dans la ville de la télévision "Intex", où il a été le développement de la conception de programmes de télévision. rôle important dans la format...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2012]

  - ヴァレリールイバコフは、ベラルーシで1980年に生まれました。 2002年、彼はエンジニア技師としてベラルーシ国立技術大学を卒業。 2001年以来、彼はテレビ番組の設計の開発であったテレビ "インテックス"、市内のアーティスト· デザイナーとして働いていました。 アーティストとして形成Rybakovaに重要な役割は、過去数世紀の画家の創造的遺産の独立した研究となっています。 2006年以来、ルイバコフは、世界中のコレクターがアーティストに慣れることができるように、仮想モードで絵画の国際展示会で自分の作品を展示し始めた。 この日に、彼の作品は、ロシア、ウクライナ、米国、フランス、ドイツ、ポルトガル、イタリア、日本、シンガポール、オーストラリア、ブルネイDarusalamyおよびその...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 9Ko - 2012]

  - Valery Rybakov nasceu em 1980 na Bielorrússia. Em 2002, graduou-se na Universidade Técnica Nacional da Bielorrússia como um técnico de engenheiro. Desde 2001, ele tem trabalhado como um artista-designer na cidade de televisão "Intex", onde ele tem sido o desenvolvimento do design de programas de televisão. papel importante na formação Rybakova como...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2012]

  - Валерий Рыбаков родился в 1980 году в Беларуси. В 2002 году он окончил Белорусский национальный технический университет инженер технолог. С 2001 года он работал в качестве художника-дизайнера в городе телевидения "Intex", где он является разработка конструкции телевизионных программ. Важную роль в формировании Рыбакова как художник был самостоятель...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 10Ko - 2012]

  - Valery Rybakov nació en 1980 en Bielorrusia. En 2002, se graduó de la Universidad Técnica Nacional Bielorrusa como técnico ingeniero. Desde 2001, ha trabajado como artista-diseñador en la ciudad de la televisión "Intex", donde ha sido el desarrollo del diseño de los programas de televisión. papel importante en la formación Rybakova como artista ha ...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2012]

  - Valery Rybakov è nato nel 1980 in Bielorussia. Nel 2002, si è laureato presso l'Università tecnica nazionale bielorusso come tecnologo ingegnere. Dal 2001, ha lavorato come artista-designer nella città di televisione "Intex", dove è stato lo sviluppo della progettazione di programmi televisivi. ruolo importante nella Rybakova formazione come artist...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 10Ko - 2012]

  - Valery Rybakov wurde 1980 in Weißrussland geboren. Im Jahr 2002 absolvierte er die Belarussischen Nationalen Technischen Universität als Ingenieur-Technologe. Seit 2001 ist er als Künstler-Designer in der Stadt des Fernsehens "Intex", wo er die Entwicklung des Designs von Fernsehprogrammen gearbeitet hat. wichtige Rolle bei der Bildung Rybakova als...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2012]

  - Valery Rybakov was born in 1980 in Belarus. In 2002, he graduated from the Belarusian National Technical University as an engineer technologist. Since 2001, he has worked as an artist-designer in the city of television "Intex", where he has been the development of the design of television programs. important role in the formation Rybakova as an art...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2012]

  - You saw the loneliness in painting? As portrayed in the paintings of artists loneliness? In my work ...
You saw the loneliness in painting? As portrayed in the paintings of artists loneliness? In my work there is not enough oil paintings and palette knife, which have in their name the word "loneliness". Apparently this is the state of the soul of man is very familiar to me. Knife painting: The taste alone . Painting Image The taste alone - Copyright ...
[Page - Valery Rybakow - 13Ko - 2012]

  - Cityscape - painting with oil and palette knife. Artist Valery Rybakow. Valery Rybakow's Page
Today, finally finished the page Russian version of its website (www.rybakow.com) under the title: Cityscape - painting with oil and palette knife. Artist Valery Rybakow. It is available at: http://rybakow.com/ru/city_landscape_gorodskoi-peizazh.html This way you will understand about the pattern of the urban landscape. Currently I am here to incl ...
[Page - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2011]

  - Cityscape - painting with oil and palette knife. Artist Valery Rybakow. Valery Rybakow's Page
Today, finally finished the page Russian version of its website (www.rybakow.com) under the title: Cityscape - painting with oil and palette knife. Artist Valery Rybakow. It is available at: http://rybakow.com/ru/city_landscape_gorodskoi-peizazh.html This way you will understand about the pattern of the urban landscape. Currently I am here to incl ...
[Page - Valery Rybakow - 11Ko - 2011]

  - You like to walk on night park? Valery Rybakow's Page
I receive weight of positive emotions from slow walks on evening and Night Park. Why I am given by these walks pleasure the do not know. Such walks among deserted lonely lanterns give rise to interesting philosophical thoughts, force to reflect on higher. And the silence, absence of people and cars nearby, promote it. You noticed as interestingly I...
[Page - Valery Rybakow - 10Ko - 2010]

  - Pornography or fine art? Valery Rybakow's Page
My point of view consists in the following: each person has certain education. Each person is individual and unique. Each person is influenced by the surrounding social environment in which he lives. As "education" influences such factor both the social status, and a material prosperity of the family, surrounding people, more many factors influence...
[Page - Valery Rybakow - 5Ko - 2010]

  - Great emperors ALL-RUSSIA by painter Valery Rybakow Valery Rybakow's Page
Hello dear friends, buyers and simply good judges of oil painting! I, artist Valery Rybakow, create oil paintings only with the help palette-knife. In today's article I would like to tell to you about series of paintings which have taken away from me weight of emotions, diligence and precious time. This series of paintings is called: «Great em HTML...
[Page - Valery Rybakow - 10Ko - 2010]

  - VALERY RYBAKOW a member of the Trade union of artists Valery Rybakow, the artist, was born in Belarus in 1980. Surprisingly that Valery was born and works near to a city in which Marc Chagall, the known artist was born. Now Valery Rybakow is the honorary member of the Trade union of artists and gives a great attention of charity and the help to chi...
[Biography - Valery Rybakow - 4Ko - 2010]

Valery Rybakow的留言本

(Lidia, 30 December 2012)